onsdag 2 september 2015

Finite Element Quantum Mechanics 5: 1d Model in Spherical Symmetry

The new Schrödinger equation I am studying in this sequence of posts takes the following form, in spherical coordinates with radial coordinate $r\ge 0$ in the case of spherical symmetry, for an atom with kernel of charge $Z$ at $r=0$ with $N\le Z$ electrons of unit charge distributed in a sequence of non-overlapping spherical shells $S_1,...,S_M$ separated by spherical surfaces of radii $0=r_0<r_1<r_2<...<r_M=\infty$, with $N_j>0$ electrons in shell $S_j$ corresponding to the interval $(r_{j-1},r_j)$ for $j=1,...,M,$ and $\sum_j N_j = N$:

Find a complex-valued differentiable function $\psi (r,t)$ depending on $r≥0$ and time $t$, satisfying for $r>0$ and all $t$,
  • $i\dot\psi (r,t) + H(r,t)\psi (r,t) = 0$              (1)
where $\dot\psi = \frac{\partial\psi}{\partial t}$ and $H(r,t)$ is the Hamiltonian defined by
  • $H(r,t) = -\frac{1}{2r^2}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}(r^2\frac{\partial }{\partial r})-\frac{Z}{r}+ V(r,t)$,
  • $V(r,t)= 2\pi\int\vert\psi (s,t)\vert^2\min(\frac{1}{r},\frac{1}{s})R(r,s,t)s^2\,ds$,
  • $R(r,s,t) = (N_j -1)/N_j$ for $r,s\in S_j$ and $R(r,s,t)=1$ else,
  • $4\pi\int_{S_j}\vert\psi (s,t)\vert^2s^2\, ds = N_j$ for $j=1,...,M$.                  (2)
Here $-\frac{Z}{r}$ is the kernel-electron attractive potential and $V(r,t)$ is the electron-electron repulsive potential computed using the fact that the potential $W(s)$ of a spherical uniform surface charge distribution of radius $r$ centered at $0$ of total charge $Q$, is given by $W(s)=Q\min(\frac{1}{r},\frac{1}{s})$, with a reduction for a lack of self-repulsion within each shell given by the factor $(N_j -1)/N_j$.

The $N_j$ electrons in shell $S_j$ are thus homogenised into a spherically symmetric charge distribution of total charge $N_j$.

This is a free boundary problem readily computable on a laptop, with the $r_j$ representing the free boundary separating shells of spherically symmetric charge distribution of intensity $\vert\psi (r,t)\vert^2$ and a free boundary condition asking continuity and differentiability of $\psi (r,t)$.   

Separating $\psi =\Psi +i\Phi$ into real part $\Psi$ and imaginary part $\Phi$, (1) can be solved by explicit time stepping with (sufficiently small) time step $k>0$ and given initial condition (e.g. as ground state):
  • $\Psi^{n+1}=\Psi^n-kH\Phi^n$, 
  • $\Phi^{n+1}=\Phi^n+kH\Psi^n$, 
for $n=0,1,2,...,$ where $\Psi^n(r)=\Psi (r,nk)$ and $\Phi^n(r)=\Phi (r,nk)$, while stationary ground states can be solved by the iteration
  • $\Psi^{n+1}=\Psi^n-kH\Psi^n$, 
  • $\Phi^{n+1}=\Phi^n-kH\Phi^n$, 
while maintaining (2).

A remarkable fact is that this model appears to give ground state energies as minimal eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for both ions and atoms for any $Z$ and $N$ within a percent or so, or alternatively ground state frequencies from direct solution in time dependent form. Next I will compute excited states and transitions between excited states under exterior forcing.

Specifically, what I hope to demonstrate is that the model can explain the periods of the periodic table corresponding to the following sequence of numbers of electrons in shells of increasing radii: 2, (2, 8), (2, 8, 8), (2, 8, 18, 8), (2, 8, 18, 18, 8)... which to be true lacks convincing explanation in standard quantum mechanics (according to E. Serri among many others).

The basic idea is thus to represent the total wave function $\psi (r,t)$ as a sum of shell wave functions
with non-overlapping supports in the different in shells requiring $\psi (r,t)$ and thus $\vert\psi (r,t)\vert^2$ to be continuous across inter-shell boundaries as free boundary condition, corresponding to continuity of charge distribution as a classical equilibrium condition.

I have also with encouraging results tested this model for $N\le 10$ in full 3d geometry without spherical shell homogenisation with a wave function as a sum of electronic wave functions with non-overlapping supports separated by a free boundary determined by continuity of wave function including charge distribution.

We compare with the standard (Hartree-Fock-Slater) Ansatz of quantum mechanics with a multi-dimensional wave function $\psi (x_1,...,x_N,t)$ depending on $N$ independent 3d coordinates $x_1,...,x_N,$ as a linear combination of wave functions of the multiplicative form
  • $\psi_1(x_1,t)\times\psi_2(x_2,t)\times ....\times\psi_N(x_N,t)$,  
with each electronic wave function $\psi_j(x_j,t)$ with global support (non-zero in all of 3d space). Such multi-d wave functions with global support thus depend on $3N$ independent space coordinates and as such defy both direct physical interpretation and computability, as soon as $N>1$, say. One may argue that since such multi-d wave function cannot be computed, it does not matter that they have no physical meaning, but the net output appears to be nil, despite the declared immense success of standard quantum mechanics based on this Ansatz.

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